Group of Professor Amine Miled
Regular member
Manager training
- Ph.D. – electrical engineering (École polytechnique de Montréal, 2013)
Laboratory name
LABioTRON – Bioengineering research laboratory
Affiliation Department
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Other affiliations
- LRTS: Radiocommunications and Signal Processing Laboratory
- IEEE : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IEEE-EMBS : IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Granting organization(s)
- Canada First Research Excellence Fund
- Quebec Research Fund – Nature and technologies
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada
- CMC microsystems
- Strategic grouping in Microsystems of Quebec (ReSMiQ)
What does the laboratory do
- Design of mixed and analog bio-circuits
- New encapsulation techniques for hybrid microsystems
- New rapid methods for low-cost lab-on-chips (microelectrode array) microfabrication
- Dielectrophoretic manipulations
- Modeling particle movements in microchannels
- Microfluidic labs on chips for biosensors and actuators
- New methods to understand chemical disorders in the brain
Design of microsystems for analysis and fluidic manipulation.
Application areas
- Biosensors for the analysis of biological fluids
- Biosensors for smart clothing
- Fluid extraction
Contact details
Université Laval
1065 Av. Médecine
Pav. Adrien-Pouliot (Local 2110)
Québec, QC, G1V 0A6
Phone: +1 418-656-2131 poste 408966
Fax: +1 418 656-3159