Round table “Role of engineering in the development of a green economy”

Wednesday May 18, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.

Laval University Campus, Comtois Pavilion, CMT-1110

Table ronde Génie-Économie verte

According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) [1], the green economy refers to “an economy that leads to improved human well-being and social equity while significantly reducing environmental and shortage of resources. However, engineering is located at the interface between research and the application of discoveries and can thus have a significant impact on society. This position gives engineering a special situation in the innovation ecosystem. This round table aims to discuss the contribution of engineering to the implementation of a green economy. In particular, we will discuss the importance of academic-industry collaborations as well as the difficulties linked to the integration of sustainable development in R&D.

Composition of the round table


  • David Gendron (Kemitek)
  • Véronic Landry (department of wood and forest sciences, Laval University)
  • Diego Mantovani (department of mining, metallurgy and materials engineering, Laval University)
  • Luca Sorelli (department of civil engineering and water engineering)

Moderator :

  • Jacopo Profili (department of mining, metallurgy and materials engineering, Laval University)

After a short presentation by each panelist of their vision of a green economy and the challenges this represents, a discussion was held between the panelists. The public was invited to ask questions.

[1] Driving a green economy through public finance and fiscal policy reform, United Nations Environment Program (2010)

Watch the conference again

This activity was part of the programming for Green Economy Week organized by Écotech Québec

Bannière Semiane de l'économie verte

Program for Green Economy Week: